Simple DIY Christmas treats
01:37Hello! As it's almost Christmas, I thought I would do show you a couple of DIY treats! These are very easy to make so they won't be very time consuming. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to make your own:)
Candy cane hearts
These cute Candy Cane Hearts are one of my favorite simple Christmas treats. They’re a perfect addition to a plate of Christmas cookies and they are so simple.
•A box of mini candy canes-Try to get the ones with a dull finish (not the shiny ones) as the shiny ones tend to get really sticky after a couple of days!
•White and milk Chocolate
•A baking sheet
1. Place waxed paper or a baking sheet.
2. Lay two mini candy canes next to each other, creating a heart. Continue filling the baking sheet with heart shapes.
3. Melt the white and semi-sweet chocolates (in separate bowls), using short intervals in the microwave, or in a double boiler.
4. When the chocolate are melted, pour into a piping bag or thicker ziplock type bag. Cut off a tiny tip from the bag, and begin filling in the heart shapes with chocolate. Personally I don't mix the flavour of chocolate together, I put the milk chocolate in one and the white in the other.
5. After adding your chocolate to the hearts, top with sprinkles of your choice.
6. Set the baking sheet (of chocolate filled hearts) in a cool place while the chocolate cools. Once cool, remove hearts from baking sheet and store in an airtight container.
Santa Strawberries Recipe
These Santa strawberries are almost to cute to eat! They are simple, super festive, and look great on any Christmas treat plate.
•Strawberries (bare in mind the one strawberry makes one Santa)
•1 cup whipped cream
•A handful of chocolate sprinkles
1.Using a pairing knife, slice the leafy end off each strawberry so they stand up evenly. Then slice the tip off to make a little hat.
2.Using a spoon or a large icing tip, place a large dollop of whipped cream on top of the strawberry base.
3.Plop the little hat on top. Then add another small amount of whipped cream to the tip of the hat to make a pom-pom.
4.Place two chocolate sprinkles in the Santas "face" (the first layer of whipped cream) to make the eyes.
5.Using a toothpick, place two very small splotches of whipped cream down the front of the strawberry for buttons.
6.After you have finished making them, store them in a fridge to keep them cold or eat them!
I hope you enjoyed reading these two recipes. Please comment if you want more diy treats!
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